Customer Complaint Procedure

interr aims to provide the highest standards of service to all of our clients and their customers, to ensure that your interests are safeguarded, you can contact us in the following four ways:

  1. interr, The Loom, 14 Gower’s Walk, London E1 8PY
  2. Email
  3. Call +44 (0) 207 837 2012
  4. Or fill out the below form and hit “Submit”
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The complaint will be acknowledged within 30 minutes* of receipt of the email or completion of form. One of our experienced contract managers will take up the matter personally and investigate thoroughly in accordance with established ‘in-house’ procedures. We aim to respond within 24 hours to update you with progress and once your complaint has been resolved we will check back with you to ensure you are happy with the resolution.

Calls may be answered by any member of the operations team. If you are calling with a complaint specific to a department, please let us know during your call and we will ensure the relevant contract manager gets back to you.

*In receipt of a written letter, a reply will be sent to the complainant within five working days.